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해외간호사/영어 PTE.IELTS

영어 공부 daily dialog

작은 물건 담을 보조가방 있나요? 

Do you have a small bag that I can put some small stuffs?

Do you have a small bag that I can use to put some small items in?

마스카라가 뭉치는 거 같아.

I think this mascara is clumping.

제 얼굴에 호주스타일 메이크업을 시험삼아 해줄 수 있나요?

Can you try Autralian-style makeup on my face?

제 자리좀 맡아 주시겠어요? 제가 가방에 지갑을 놓고와서요.

Can you hold this line? I left my wallet in my bag.

Could you hold my spot in line? I left my wallet in my bag.

저 숫자는 제가 처음 봤을 떄부터 떠있었어요. 

the number was on the screen when I tried to use it.

The number has been on the screen since the first time I saw it.

I tapped the button and tap the card on the pad.

alarm was on for the card approved. but this laundry doesn't work.

The alarm confirmed that the card was approved, but the washing maching isn't working.