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호주워홀 호주간호사 영어일기 Nurse's daily log in Adelaide. 9th of November, 2024 중고차를 사기위해서 인스펙션을 2곳 보러가는 날이었다.I was going to inspect two used cars because I am planning to buy one.기차로 가기에는 거의 2시간이나 걸려서 차를 렌트할수밖에 없었다.Since it would take nearly two hours by train, I had no choise but to rent a car.호주에서 처음으로 운전을 하는거라 운전 연수를 먼저 받아야된다고 생각했지만  그럴 시간은 없었다.I though I should take some driving lessons before driving in Australia for the first time, but I didn't ..
빨모쌤 라이브영어회화 I took my dogs out to the park today. we were there for about an hour.On our way back, I remembered that we were almost out of dog food. So we stopped by the store to pick up some dog food and some snacks.go to the park / the airport/ the hospital / the police station / the barbershop/ the salon. I remembered that : 생각났다.  I went to see a doctor because I wasn't feeling very well. I got there at..
영어 일기 2024.10.28yesterday, I played netball with my housemates. it was my first play. At first, taking ball was a little bit scaring but I could be used to it as playing more and more. but, I am still not used to stay still with holding ball. Anyway, I think it was really helpful to burn calories and it was fun and refreshed me. We arrived at home, it was almost 9PM. I took a shower quickly and went t..
영어 공부 daily dialog 작은 물건 담을 보조가방 있나요? Do you have a small bag that I can put some small stuffs?Do you have a small bag that I can use to put some small items in?마스카라가 뭉치는 거 같아.I think this mascara is clumping.제 얼굴에 호주스타일 메이크업을 시험삼아 해줄 수 있나요?Can you try Autralian-style makeup on my face?제 자리좀 맡아 주시겠어요? 제가 가방에 지갑을 놓고와서요.Can you hold this line? I left my wallet in my bag.Could you hold my spot in line? I left my wall..
영어공부 https://cnn.ybmnet.co.kr/cnn_news10/3050Rapid advancoment of AI platform such as Chat GPT has everyone from librarians to jubges, to nurses to criminal investigator asking, how exposed is my job? lots of people are interested in understanding what types of jobs are going to be affected by AI? What policy responses we might want to think from a socital point of view.this is a professor and AI exp..
호주병원혈액검사 해외병원 혈액검사 받는 법 하루만에 결과받기 가능! 안녕하세요. 호주 시드니 5일차에 접어든 소야소입니다. 저는 호주에 오기 일주일 전에 사우스애들레이드에 있는 한 종합병원에 합격했어요 !합격 후 제출해야하는 서류가 몇가지 있었는데그 중에서 혈액검사 결과 중제가 B형간염 백신 접종을 3차까지 안맞았는데요.2017년 대학교 건강검진에서 B형간염 항체가 있어서 부스터로 1차만 맞고 끝났었던 거였죠.그래서 결과적으로 저는 hepatitis B antibody에 대한 혈액검사결과를 제출해야했답니다.  하지만,이미 호주를 와버린 상황..보험이 과연 적용이 될지.. 비용은 또 얼마나 낼지..혈액검사를 해도 결과가 언제쯤이면 나올지.. 1도 모르는 상황이라 당황스러웠죠. 구글에 'hepatitis B antibody blood test in sydney' 라고 검색을..